Skids Steer Loaders Vs Track Loaders: Are They The Same?

So, you are looking to buy some machinery that will be powerful and versatile yet compact at able to fit small spaces at the same time. Well, you have two options: you can buy a skid steer loader or a track loader. How much do you know about skid steer loaders track loaders differences? This article will tell you all you need to know and will help you make your final decision. Keep reading!

Skids Steer Loaders Vs Track Loaders: Are They The Same

Skid Steer Loaders Track Loaders Differences

To help you understand skid steer loaders track loaders differences, we’ll describe each option and explain how they work:

Skid Steer Loaders: Main Features

A skid steer loader is a compact but strong and versatile piece of heavy equipment. It moves on wheels and can easily change its direction. Skid steer loaders have gotten their name due to the fact that their wheels skid when you steer them, which means they always remain in the same position compared to the rest of the machine.

This allows for greater maneuverability, and skid steer loaders can easily operate in places where other machines can’t even come nearby. What is a skid steer loader used for? Obviously, in tight spaces, but it is worth noting that skid steer loaders work best when on solid surfaces. 

Some projects in which skid steer loaders excel are construction projects, demolition, digging, grading, landscaping, snow clearing, and many more. Since skid steer loaders can work with many different attachments, there is hardly a task that you can’t do with these machines. 

Skid Steer Loaders: Main Features

Track loaders: Main Features

At first glance, track loaders are rather similar to skid steer loaders. However, if you take a better look, you will see that track loaders have tracks instead of wheels (just like their name suggests). These tracks are either made of steel or made of rubber. 

Its tracks distribute the machine’s weight more evenly on the ground surface. As such, track loaders are great for terrains where the ground is soft, muddy, or sandy. Track loaders are also used in projects where you don’t want to disturb the ground for any other reasons.

So, while skid steer loaders are better suited for urban projects, track loaders are better for agricultural projects and other projects carried out in extreme terrains. This includes forestry, landscaping, land clearing, soil grading, digging, earthmoving, manure handling, building farm infrastructure, and many, many more. 

Track loaders: Main Features

Which Option Is Better For You?

It is now obvious that skid steer loaders and track loaders are similar but not the same. How can you take their differences into consideration and choose which option is better for you? There are several points that can help you make a decision:

Terrain You Will Be Working On

First of all, consider the terrain you will be working on. While both skid steer and track loaders are designed to work on difficult terrains, track loaders are better equipped to deal with uneven, muddy, soft, and sandy terrains. On the other hand, if you won’t be working on such difficult terrains, then a skid steer loader is a better choice.

Maneuverability That You Require

Both skid steer and track loaders are small and compact machines, which means they both can fit into tight spaces. However, fitting into a tight space is not enough - you need to be able to maneuver while there. Thanks to their skid steering wheels, skid steer loaders are a much better choice when it comes to maneuverability. 

Speed of Work

What about speed? Which one is faster: a skid steer loader or a track loader? That depends on the surface. If the surface is firm and relatively flat, then a skid steer loader will be significantly faster than a track loader. However, if the surface is uneven and soft, track loaders will be able to move and work more quickly.  

Purchase and Maintenance Costs

If you want to compare the costs of buying a skid steer loader vs. a track loader, keep in mind that their costs may vary depending on the manufacturer. This means that sometimes, buying a skid steer loader will be more expensive, but if you choose another brand, buying a track loader will be more expensive.

However, let’s say that you are comparing prices from the same manufacturer and brand. In general, track loaders are more expensive to buy than skid steer loaders from the same brand. They are also generally more expensive to maintain, mostly due to the fact that track maintenance is much more expensive than wheel maintenance. 

Final Verdict

With all being said, we can safely say that the skid steer loader is an overall winner. However, that doesn’t mean that track loaders are not good enough - as a matter of fact, they are a better option when you have to work on more difficult terrains. Take your time to carefully consider your situation and individual needs, and you will make your decision rather easily.  

Recommended Skid Steer Loaders

Since we have decided in favor of skid steer loaders, here is the one that might suit you perfectly:

23HP Mini Skid Steer B&S Engine with Bucket

Recommended Skid Steer Loaders

Don’t let the small size of this skid steer loader fool you: this is a powerful machine that can help you even with the most demanding tasks. With a maximum lift capacity of 827 lb(375 kg), low and efficient fuel consumption, and a climbing angle of 30°, this machine will become your favorite piece of equipment. For more features, take a closer look at it:


In this article, we have covered the main skid steer loaders track loaders differences, and hopefully, helped you decide which one is better for you. Don’t rush to make your decision, and instead, read this article at least once more to help you make the right decision. Of course, both of these machines do a great job, and we’re sure you will be happy with your choice!

David Johnson
I'm David Johnson, an engineer with experience in mechanical engineering. I specialize in construction machinery and have worked with heavy machinery like mini excavators for a long time. My aim is to simplify difficult technical ideas so that everyone can grasp them. Whether you work in construction or just want to learn more, I'm here to help make things clear.
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